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Community consultation


OVESCO firmly believes that it is vital that local communities are able see and shape planning applications on projects such as this. The objectives of the consultation are therefore:


  • To inform local people about OVESCO’s proposals in a clear and concise way.
  • To develop local understanding of the project and to gain feedback to refine the proposal.
  • To create a process through which local people can comment on the formal proposals, and explore how the scheme could kickstart community involvement in renewable energy
  • Ongoing Community consultation will run throughout the pre-planning process and beyond.


OVESCO has met local neighbours on an informal basis to discuss specific arrangements that may affect them such as viewpoints and screening options.

OVESCO has informally made contact with Ringmer Parish Council and will build on this to identify any issues of concern to the Council.

We would also be very pleased to explore and develop our ideas for sharing community benefit with the parish council.

A dedicated project email address will be shared with all stakeholders and will be available on the website.

Have your say- During the development process advertisements will be placed in the local press advertising when events and project information days will be held locally. In addition, information on the proposal will be delivered to immediate neighbours enabling them to have their say.

A Statement of Community Consultation will be submitted to Lewes District Council during the planning process explaining how the local community is being and will be further consulted.

Updates to reports on consultation will be provided to the planning authority up until a planning decision is made.

Wild flowers at Solar Farm image

Please support us

Ouse Valley Solar Farm

Planning – Application LW/22/0254

An Invitation to Public Consultation Events

Tuesday 9th November
17.30-20.30: Kings Academy Ringmer

Wednesday 10th November
12.30-19.00: Ringmer Village Hall

Friday 12th November
14.00-16.00: Depot Cinema, Lewes

Download our consultation document

Get in touch/Leave feedback

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Ouse Valley Solar Farm Wave Graphic image